Welcome to our new Twigseeds website! We have all had fun building this site to tell more of the Twigseeds story and showcase our creations. We hope it will be a space that is simpler for you to connect with us and our partners.
You might like to begin here and learn more about my art.
So many of you have travelled with me and supported my art since the beginning. I am forever thankful and plan to share more about the early days in this space. I'll dig out some art and photos from the archives, which may give us all a good laugh.

We have been resting our social media for a while, taking time to negotiate the needs of digital and creative time. Social media is a great way to stay in touch with our beautiful community, and also, like all great things, can consume everything if left unchecked. So, after some deep prioritising, we now have a more balanced way to use technology without it using us.
I have moved a couple of times in the last few years, mostly to be close to my family. I am currently living in Noosa Heads, enjoying a coastal experience.
I have found several old journals and letters where I have penned my intention to live by the sea. In one letter to my parents when I lived in London at 23, I said I was coming home to be an artist who lived in Noosa Heads. It's 30-odd years later, but it is a lesson in the power of intention and a reminder to be mindful of what you put in writing.
Moving house is pretty unsettling, and I am like the quintessential Twigseeds bird who likes a well-ordered nest to feel settled. Only then can I sit calmly to paint. Now that I have that space and some big creative projects to immerse myself in, I will create more studio snapshots to keep you close to me while I'm working.
With love,